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Calabash Solutions' Submission to the National Health (Privacy) Rules Review


The National Health (Privacy) Rules 2018, a legislative instrument made under section 135AA of the National Health Act 1953, requires the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) to issue privacy rules for how Services Australia and the Department of Health handle Medicare Benefits Scheme (MBS) and Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule (PBS) claims information.

Scheduled to sunset on 1 April 2022, the Rules are being reviewed by the OAIC to ensure that, in their current form, they achieve the intent of section 135AA of the National Health Act and are easy to read, understand and apply in practice.

The OAIC requests input from interested individuals, agencies and organisations on all elements and aspects of the Rules, including, but not limited to, their effect on individuals, the operation of MBS and PBS processes, public sector operations and policy development, open data and associated research initiatives.

Calabash Solutions welcomes the opportunity to contribute to a review of the Rules